At UF Health North, any physician can arrange for your treatment and our staff will work closely with your doctor's office to facilitate your admission.
Our staff in the Admissions Office will call you prior to the day of admission to verify information. Your physician or the operating room staff will notify you of the time to arrive.
If you need financial assistance, you may be asked to provide employer information, proof of residency in Duval County, income statements and/or credit references. When you arrive, you will be asked to present your insurance cards and sign necessary paperwork.
The Admissions Office is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week and may be reached at (904) 427-1616.
When your doctor believes you no longer require hospitalization, he or she will write a discharge order for you to return home or transfer to another facility. After your nurse reviews your discharge instructions with you, you will receive a signed copy to take with you. You should make arrangements with a family member or friend to provide you with transportation upon discharge.
Case Management
Since discharge planning process can be overwhelming, patients have access to a case manager to assist in setting up services including alternative placement, homecare, medical equipment, community services, counseling and transportation. Call (904) 427-4133 Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., or ask your nurse to call a case manager for you.
Chaplains and Spiritual Care
A chaplain is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week as a supportive resource to our patients and their families. At your request, your nurse or doctor will contact a chaplain, or you may make your request by dialing 0 for the hospital operator.
Our chaplains are trained to honor your values and beliefs and to help you deal with hospitalization and illness.
Liaison Service
The Pastoral Care department also serves as a liaison between the hospital and local religious organizations (churches, synagogues, mosques). Upon request, we are happy to:
- Notify pastors, priests, rabbis and imams for those patients or family members requesting their services
- Work with your clergy to coordinate hospital visitation
The UF Health North chapel is located on the first floor of the hospital tower. It is open to all patients and their visitors for personal prayer and meditation 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Patient Rights and Responsibilities
We encourage all patients to know and understand their rights and responsibilities as written in the Florida Statutes and UF Health North policy. If you have any questions about your rights and responsibilities, or any concerns about your hospitalization, Patient Relations, as well as your health care team, are available to help you. Every attempt will be made to address your concerns as quickly as possible.
Patient Privacy
We understand your health information is personal and we are committed to protecting it. Visit our patient privacy notice to see how health information about you may be used and disclosed and how you can get access to this information.