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A Study to Evaluate an Amikacin Liposome Inhalation Suspension Based Regimen in Adults with Newly Diagnosed NTM Lung Infection Caused by Mycobacterium avium Complex (MAC)

  • Status
    Accepting Candidates
  • Age
    18 Years - 100 Years
  • Sexes
  • Healthy Volunteers


The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effect and safety of amikacin liposome inhalation suspension (ALIS) study treatment on patient-reported symptoms in subjects newly diagnosed with NTM lung infection caused by MAC who have not started standard treatment. This is an experimental clinical research study, and ALIS is an experimental drug. The study will last around 17.5 months from the Screening visit to the end of the study.


Protocol number INS-416


Inclusion criteria:

  1. Current diagnosis of MAC lung infection AND has not started antibiotic treatment for MAC. MAC or mixed infection with MAC as the dominant species is allowed, with MAC as the intended organism for treatment
  2. Positive sputum culture for MAC within 6 months prior to Screening and at Screening

Exclusion criteria:

  1. Diagnosis of cystic fibrosis
  2. History of more than 3 MAC lung infections
  3. Received any mycobacterial antibiotic treatment for current MAC lung infection
  4. Refractory MAC lung infection, defined as having positive MAC cultures while being treated with a multidrug mycobacterial antibiotic treatment regimen for a minimum of 6 consecutive months and no documented successful treatment

Lead researcher

  • Pulmonologist, Critical Care Medicine Physician
    Languages: Persian

Participate in a study

Here are some general steps to consider when participating in a research study:

  1. Step

    Contact the research team

    Call or email the research team listed within the specific clinical trial or study to let them know that you're interested. A member of the research team, such as the researcher or study coordinator, will be available to tell you more about the study and to answer any questions or concerns you may have.

    Primary contact

  2. Step

    Get screened to confirm eligibility

    You may be asked to take part in prescreening to make sure you are eligible for a study. The prescreening process ensures it is safe for you to participate. During the prescreening process, you will be asked some questions and you may also be asked to schedule tests or procedures to confirm your eligibility.

  3. Step

    Provide your consent to participate

    If you are eligible and want to join the clinical trial or study, a member of the research team will ask for your consent to participate. To give consent, you will be asked to read and sign a consent form for the study. This consent form explains the study's purpose, procedures, risks, benefits and provides other important information, such as the study team's contact information.

  4. Step


    If you decide to participate in a clinical trial or study, the research team will keep you informed of the study requirements and what you will need to do to throughout the study. For some trials or studies, your health care provider may work with the research team to ensure there are no conflicts with other medications or treatments.