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UF nursing faculty named to Great 100 Nurses in Florida

Two University of Florida College of Nursing – Jacksonville faculty members were selected as part of the Great 100 Nurses in Florida by the Florida Nurses Association.

Both clinical assistant professor Jane Gannon, DNP, CNM, CNL, and clinical assistant professor Rosalyn R. Reischman, DSN, ARNP, were named Great 100 Nurse Educators.

Gannon was recognized for her part in the development of the UF College of Nursing's Clinical Nurse Leader curriculum and clinical partnerships. She has served as an item writer for the first national CNL certification examination and a member of the Clinical Nurse Leader Association’s inaugural organizing committee.

Reischman was recognized for her contributions to the development of UF's first acute care nurse practitioner track, the first in Florida, and later to the evolution of that specialty track into the college's Doctor of Nursing Practice degree program. In 2012, she served as an item writer for the American Nurses Credentialing Center's Acute-Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner certification exam.

"These two faculty members are academic leaders in their respective specialties and are the typical, high-caliber Gator Nurse," said Andrea C. Gregg, DSN, BSN, RN, a UF associate professor of nursing and director of the college's Jacksonville campus. "It's a pleasure working with them."

The Florida Nurses Association’s Great 100 Nurses recognizes nurse leaders around the state of Florida for their achievements in nursing CARE, an acronym for eight nursing roles in clinical/community, administration/advocacy, research/role model and education/entrepreneur.

For the media

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Dan Leveton
Media Relations Manager (904) 244-3268