Colon Cancer Prevention & Awareness
Colorectal cancer, commonly known as colon cancer, is the third most common cancer diagnosed in both men and women each year in the United States.
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A colonoscopy is the most accurate method for diagnosing and evaluating colon cancer and rectal processes. The medical community recommends that all patients aged 45 and older have a colonoscopy as a screening tool. You should also schedule a colonoscopy if you are experiencing symptoms of rectal bleeding, weight loss or a change in your bowel habits.
Experience you can trust
At UF Health Gastroenterology in Jacksonville, our board-certified specialists in gastroenterology are regional leaders in the diagnosis and treatment of gastrointestinal disease and offer comprehensive care to provide you with the best possible outcomes.
Advanced research and technology
As a part of a leading academic health center, our care team can offer you the most advanced research-based treatments to provide you with the best possible outcomes.
Convenient care
Our gastroenterologists perform colonoscopies at several convenient locations.
Colorectal cancer, commonly known as colon cancer, is the third most common cancer diagnosed in both men and women each year in the United States.
Colorectal cancer, sometimes called colon cancer, is the second most common cause of cancer death in the U.S. and one of the few easily preventable cancers.