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Diagnostic angiography

Diagnostic angiography is a test that helps measure the severity of blockage in the main arteries of the heart, called coronary arteries.

Diagnostic angiography: What to expect

Before the procedure, patients are given a mild sedative and a local anesthetic. The procedure is typically performed using specifically designed catheters, which are most often inserted through a tiny needle puncture in the wrist. Sometimes, the procedure will be performed through a tiny incision made in the groin. The catheters are carefully threaded to the heart, guided by an X-ray machine.

Once the catheter is in place, contrast material is injected and pictures are taken, allowing doctors to see if the coronary arteries have any blockages. Based on the severity of these blockages, and where they are located in the arteries of the heart, a decision is made on the best treatment strategy.

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