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Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)

We understand how much discomfort and disruption to your life irritable bowel syndrome can cause, but you don’t need to suffer alone. Our gastroenterologists can help manage the condition, discuss diet and treatment options, and help you find relief from troublesome bowel issues so you can feel better again.

Irritable bowel syndrome: What you need to know

  • IBS is a rather common ailment, though its cause is unclear. There is no single test to confirm a diagnosis.
  • Many conditions can mimic the abdominal bloating, pain, diarrhea or constipation of IBS, so our specialists will need to rule out other conditions with the use of blood tests, stool sample tests or a colonoscopy.
  • Once our gastroenterologists feel certain about the diagnosis of irritable bowel syndrome, they can work with you to create an effective treatment plan.
  • Though there is no cure, many patients find that they are able to control symptoms with diet modifications, medications and using therapies to reduce stress.

Irritable bowel syndrome: Our expertise

Experience you can trust

At UF Health Jacksonville, our board-certified gastroenterologists are accomplished leaders in their field, yet they also receive high marks from their patients for personalized care. You can rely on their experience and their willingness to listen and work with you to develop an effective treatment plan that will fit your needs.

Advanced research and technology

As a part of a leading academic health center, our gastroenterology team can offer you the most advanced research-based treatments to provide you with the best possible outcomes.

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