Getting a second chance at life
How the minimally invasive MitraClip procedure helped Karen Kaunitz's battle with lung disease.
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Osteoporosis, a condition in which bones become weak and brittle, is the most common metabolic bone disease.
Evaluation for osteoporosis includes reviewing risk factors for bone loss, balance, dietary history, exercise history and previous fracture. Your height will be measured. After a physical exam, you will be counseled on how to avoid falls and ways to make your bones stronger.
In addition to general osteoporosis care, UF Health treats athletes with recurring fractures and osteoporosis that may be caused by a variety of medications.
Our providers have expertise in the management of:
Available testing includes genetic testing, bone biopsy and bone densitometry (DEXA) scans.
How the minimally invasive MitraClip procedure helped Karen Kaunitz's battle with lung disease.
March 14, 2017
Bone health experts say there’s an osteoporosis epidemic affecting men and women at alarming rates. More than 53 million Americans either have the disease or…