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Treats Adults

Jason A Piraino, DPM

Foot and Ankle Surgeon

Foot and Ankle Surgeon

Photo of Jason A Piraino

Ratings and reviews

4.8 /5

813 patient ratings

149 reviews

Detailed ratings

  • Provider discussed treatment options 4.7 /5

  • Provider showed concern 4.8 /5

  • Provider explained things clearly 4.7 /5

  • Provider included you in decisions 4.7 /5

  • Likelihood of recommending this provider 4.7 /5

About ratings

Our providers' ratings scores are an average of the feedback they receive during our patient surveys. We only count ratings from the last two years in the average. See our patient experience program for more details.


Showing our most recent 20 reviews. We only show reviews from the past two years. All reviews are confirmed and audited before publication.

  1. He was a breath of fresh air, the wait was worth it when you get to see someone that really care about you and your situation as much as he cares about his job. Thank you!

  2. Too rushed.

  3. He went beyond my initial request to advise and accommodate to my medical needs

  4. I trust Dr Piraino and all of his associates, nurses and staff.

  5. Dr. Piraino's team is very efficient and thorough. They listen to their patient and provide good feedback.

  6. Dr piraino is one of the best Dr I've ever seen can't say enough about his skills

  7. Dr Piraino and his staff have been outstanding so far

  8. Excellent care and information provided. They took time and great care explaining my situation

  9. Good experience

  10. Dr. Piarino is an asset to UF.

  11. Very good experience

  12. Dr. Piraino was great. I would highly recommend him to others.

  13. Excellent explanation of my care needs

  14. A good experience

  15. My experience was very good and I recommend this place for other persons.

  16. Excellent provider engagement, I felt in control but clearly was comfortable leaning on the doc's expertise

  17. Answered all my questions.

  18. I was seen individually by three different people. The first two were intern doctors, who were very observant, interested in my case, knowledgeable, and very willing to explain what was going on with my foot to me. Dr.Priano saw me last. He is an outstanding doctor. His knowlege, explanations and enthusiasm to help me get better was impressive. He took time with me, my questions were respectfully answered. I was also very impressed when he told me that he tries out every brace that he uses on his patients so that he knows just how it feels. That's a very high level of caring!

  19. This was the most knowledgeable group of individuals to ever help me in the creation of inserts for partial foot amputation. I will continue coming here in the future

  20. All medical staff involved were excellent.