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Treats Adults and Children

Jose A Montilla Crespo, MD

Family Physician

Family Physician

4.5 /5 1140 ratings
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Photo of Jose A Montilla Crespo

Ratings and reviews

4.5 /5

1140 patient ratings

228 reviews

Detailed ratings

  • Provider discussed treatment options 4.3 /5

  • Provider showed concern 4.4 /5

  • Provider explained things clearly 4.3 /5

  • Provider included you in decisions 4.4 /5

  • Likelihood of recommending this provider 4.3 /5

About ratings

Our providers' ratings scores are an average of the feedback they receive during our patient surveys. We only count ratings from the last two years in the average. See our patient experience program for more details.


Showing our most recent 20 reviews. We only show reviews from the past two years. All reviews are confirmed and audited before publication.

  1. inspires confidence. Very good.

  2. While the video visit seemed to take a little longer than an office visit, I didn't have to drive 2 hours. The visit was so much more relaxed on both sides while still accomplishing everything we needed to. I actually enjoyed my doctors appointment.

  3. Good


  5. Good

  6. Dr. Montilla is very professional and treated me with the most care.

  7. Good

  8. Good

  9. I love my doctor and the nurses

  10. This doctor is an attentive listener. He listens and even changed some of his recommendations after hearing my reasoning on several occasions.

  11. Great experience

  12. Good

  13. Good

  14. Good experience

  15. Dr. Montilla always has my best interests at heart.

  16. He did ask me what I was looking for which I think is a very insightful question as often times I think people's expectations and reality are different, and in figuring out what my expectations were he could have the appropriate conversation with me.

  17. Truly care about me.

  18. Dr.Montailla is great!!

  19. I was impressed how the doctor made eye contact and seemed genuinely concerned.

  20. Good