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Treats Adults and Children

Louis J Registre, MD

Family Physician

Family Physician

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Photo of Louis J Registre

Ratings and reviews

4.3 /5

762 patient ratings

176 reviews

Detailed ratings

  • Provider discussed treatment options 4.1 /5

  • Provider showed concern 4.2 /5

  • Provider explained things clearly 4.1 /5

  • Provider included you in decisions 4 /5

  • Likelihood of recommending this provider 3.9 /5

About ratings

Our providers' ratings scores are an average of the feedback they receive during our patient surveys. We only count ratings from the last two years in the average. See our patient experience program for more details.


Showing our most recent 20 reviews. We only show reviews from the past two years. All reviews are confirmed and audited before publication.

  1. Good. Was very thorough in his explanation.

  2. Great experience

  3. Good

  4. Good

  5. Good

  6. Excellent

  7. Good

  8. I liked it how they care about me

  9. They have my recommendation.

  10. Good

  11. Oh yes I already have told everyone even om facebook

  12. It was awesome, very much knowledgeable.

  13. An engaged provider.

  14. Good

  15. Great

  16. Good

  17. Good

  18. Great service Great experience

  19. Have always recommended this office to others

  20. Dr. Louis Registre Is AWESOME!!!!