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Treats Adults

Neha Agrawal, MD



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Photo of Neha Agrawal

Ratings and reviews

4.7 /5

459 patient ratings

98 reviews

Detailed ratings

  • Provider discussed treatment options 4.6 /5

  • Provider showed concern 4.6 /5

  • Provider explained things clearly 4.6 /5

  • Provider included you in decisions 4.6 /5

  • Likelihood of recommending this provider 4.5 /5

About ratings

Our providers' ratings scores are an average of the feedback they receive during our patient surveys. We only count ratings from the last two years in the average. See our patient experience program for more details.


Showing our most recent 20 reviews. We only show reviews from the past two years. All reviews are confirmed and audited before publication.

  1. Dr Agrawal was awesome. She explained everything. She listened to me and gave me options. Excellent doctor!

  2. Dr. Agrawal took the time to explain potential interactions between some meds and liver function/ health. Even though she was very busy that morning, Dr Agarwal was present and focused on me during this visit. Great bedside manner'. I definitely will recommend her if any of my friends need a liver specialist.

  3. She was very understanding and answered all of my questions.

  4. The doctor was extremely thorough in explaining everything to me. Very informative and helpful.

  5. Dr. Agrawal made my visit a very pleasant one, took the time to address all questions and concerns pertaining to my visit, definitely appreciate her professionalism. Thanks Dr. Agrawal.

  6. Dr. Agrawal was very thorough in covering the info about my condition and explaining the next steps, procedures, potential side effects, etc. She was the perfect blend of authority and respect and kind and compassionate.

  7. Dr. Agrawal took the time to explain everything

  8. She was excellent in her manner and expertise and made me feel very comfortable asking questions. I was really impressed with her knowledge and helping me understand my condition

  9. The visit was very good. I liked her

  10. Dr Agrawal was very thorough and attentive to my concerns.

  11. Dr Agrawal was extremely attentive and focused during my visit.

  12. Dr Agrawal was very thorough in discussing my concerns. She provided me with a plan of care that will further look into my medical issues.

  13. Very happy with the service very understanding spoke to me words that I understood was pleased with all the time the doctor took with me never rushing me once

  14. She is AMAZING! One of the best doctors I ever visited with.

  15. As I mentioned earlier Dr. Agrawal cares and seeks out the answers to her patients concerns.

  16. Dr Neha was one of the best providers I've seen at UF Health Jax.

  17. Very thurough

  18. She was great

  19. Dr. Agrawal spent over an hour with me and was very thorough in explaining the solution for my liver cyst.

  20. Professional