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Treats Adults

Nicholas James, MD

Orthopaedic Surgeon Hand and Upper Extremity Surgeon

Orthopaedic Surgeon, Hand and Upper Extremity Surgeon

Photo of Nicholas James

Ratings and reviews

4.9 /5

240 patient ratings

47 reviews

Detailed ratings

  • Provider showed concern 4.9 /5

  • Provider explained things clearly 4.9 /5

  • Provider included you in decisions 4.9 /5

  • Provider discussed treatment options 4.9 /5

  • Likelihood of recommending this provider 4.9 /5

About ratings

Our providers' ratings scores are an average of the feedback they receive during our patient surveys. We only count ratings from the last two years in the average. See our patient experience program for more details.


Showing our most recent 20 reviews. We only show reviews from the past two years. All reviews are confirmed and audited before publication.

  1. Good

  2. Most definitely would recommend Dr James to my friends and family and co worker's he is a great Dr and surgeon

  3. Excelente

  4. Professional, & Sincere while expressing what he thought my prognosis was ie.. Carpal tunnel & its treatment

  5. First visit and First impression was excellent. So happy to now be within the UF system.

  6. Dr. James and his staff were professional, kind and competent. They addressed my medical issue and answered all my questions. I would highly recommend Dr. James based on the excellent care I received.

  7. I would recommend him. He was attentive and explained everything well. We came together and went over a plan for my care, that I could not be happier with.

  8. Good

  9. Very Happy with Dr. James and plan for surgical procedure.

  10. Dr James was very nice. He listened and then explained what he thought to be the best course of action for my problem. Thank you Dr James!

  11. I would highly recommend Dr. James

  12. Good

  13. Excellent

  14. I would recommend Dr James and Renee to everyone I talk to.

  15. He explained everything detailed and offered different alternatives for my treatment. The provider took my worries in consideration and really helped me understand what's the best treatment for me

  16. Dr. Nicholas James is one of the most caring and proficient doctors I have ever had the pleasure of being treated. Excellent bedside manner, very personable and made every effort to address all of my concerns and questions.

  17. Dr James was very understanding knowledgeable about my situation

  18. He was very considerate and took his time with us. He didn't try to minimize Jonah's injury even though it was not very severe and had improved greatly since initially injured. He made sure we had everything we needed or knew how to get for Jonah to return to sports.

  19. Dr James listened to my concerns and developed a treatment plan to meet my needs and address any contingencies for care if I needed additional treatment. He is a pleasure to work with.

  20. Dr. James and Renee were both very thorough and answered all of my questions, including the ones I forgot to ask. Despite the fact that they were behind schedule, they provided me with all the time that I needed to complete my exam. I felt that the care I received from Dr. James was worth the wait! I HIGHLY recommend Dr. James!!!