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Treats Adults

Sophia S Sheikh, MD

Emergency Medicine Physician Medical Toxicologist

Emergency Medicine Physician, Medical Toxicologist

Photo of Sophia S Sheikh

Research at a glance

Top areas of exploration

  • Stress Disorders, Post-Traumatic , 18 publications
  • Pain , 6 publications
  • Depression , 5 publications
  • Snake Bites , 4 publications

Research activity

63 publications

376 citations

Why is this important?

My publications

63 publications


Brain dynamics reflecting an intra-network brain state are associated with increased post-traumatic stress symptoms in the early aftermath of trauma

Nature Mental Health

Publisher's site


Outcomes of an Emergency Department opioid alternatives Program implemented within a safety-net hospital system.

BMC emergency medicine

PubMed Publisher's site


Associations of alcohol and cannabis use with change in posttraumatic stress disorder and depression symptoms over time in recently trauma-exposed individuals.

Psychological medicine

PubMed Publisher's site


Author Correction: Defining the r factor for post-trauma resilience and its neural predictors

Nature Mental Health

Publisher's site


Characterizing Utilization and Outcomes of Digoxin Immune Fab for Digoxin Toxicity.

Drugs - real world outcomes

PubMed Publisher's site