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UF Health Pediatric Neurosurgery – Prudential Drive is located within Wolfson Children’s Hospital. View campus map →

Parking Garage
Complimentary parking is provided in the P2 parking garage, with entrances on Palm Avenue and Baptist Way. If using the parking garage, your best route to our practice is by the main entrance.

Valet Service
Valet service opens at 6 a.m. To use the complimentary valet service, pull up to the Pavilion entrance on Prudential Drive near the corner of Palm Avenue. If using the valet service, your best way to our practice is by the Pavilion entrance (open Monday - Friday, 5 a.m. - 6 p.m.) or by the main entrance (if the Pavilion entrance is closed).

Main Entrance
Open 7 days a week, 24 hours a day — Best option if parking in the P2 parking garage or if accessing the hospital when the Pavilion entrance is closed.

The main way to access our practice is by utilizing the skybridge on level B of the P2 parking garage. If using this route, you will:

  1. Cross the skybridge on level B of the P2 parking garage into the Borowy Family Children’s Critical Care Tower
  2. Following signage to the Pavilion, use the first set of elevators on your right to go down to floor 1R
  3. Once out of the elevator, head straight out towards (and past) Walgreens and turn right at visitor check-in
  4. Look for and use the bank of elevators marked elevator B to go to the 12th floor
  5. Head to suite 1205, where UF Health Pediatric Neurosurgery – Prudential Drive is located

Pavilion Entrance
Open Monday - Friday, 5 a.m. - 6 p.m. — Best option if using the complimentary valet service

Also available is the Pavilion entrance on Prudential Drive. If using this route, you will:

  1. If coming from the P2 parking garage, use the crosswalk on the corner of Palm Ave and Prudential Drive
  2. Enter the Pavilion building
  3. Take the first hallway left at visitor check-in
  4. Look for and use the bank of elevators marked elevator B, and come to the 12th floor
  5. Head to suite 1205, where UF Health Pediatric Neurosurgery – Prudential Drive is located