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UF Health home to first da Vinci Xi robotic surgery system in Northeast Florida

UF Health Jacksonville

UF Health Jacksonville, one of the leaders in minimally invasive surgery in Northeast Florida, is proud to announce it is home to the latest robotic technology in the region. Intuitive Surgical’s da Vinci Xi surgical system is now part of UF Health Jacksonville’s operating suites, bringing the very latest in health care to patients in the region.

Robotically assisted surgery employs a system with multiple thin arms containing tiny surgical tools at the end. The system is remote controlled by a human surgeon.

Robotic systems allow surgery to be performed with significantly smaller incisions than open surgery, offering patients the potential for quicker recovery. Compared to standard minimally invasive laparoscopic surgery, the robotic system allows for greater reach and control over the surgical instruments and offers physicians a better view of the surgical site.

“This system gives us the ability to provide even more specialized surgery to our patients,” said Christopher Williams, MD, a UF Health urologic oncologist and director of robotic surgery. “Many health care facilities including ours have been using the da Vinci system for years, but we now are the first in the region to offer the very latest version, which gives us even more capability in the operating room.”

The da Vinci Xi, installed at UF Health’s 8th Street campus in April, has broader capabilities than prior generations and can be used across a spectrum of minimally invasive surgical procedures. It has been optimized for multi-location surgeries in the areas of gynecology, urology, thoracic cardiac care and general surgery.

“Our goal is to develop technology that enhances surgical performance,” said Gary Guthart, Intuitive Surgical president and CEO. “The da Vinci Xi system’s new overhead architecture means that multi-quadrant surgery can be performed without repositioning the system, an innovation long sought by surgeons who perform complex procedures. We strive to provide the most-advanced, least-invasive option for surgery, and we are working hard to make minimally invasive surgery the standard of care.”

For the media

Media contact

Dan Leveton
Media Relations Manager (904) 244-3268