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When you're facing a diagnosis of gynecological cancer, you will find the support you need at UF Health Jacksonville. Our specialists from UF Health Gynecologic Oncology work together to create a customized treatment plan that will provide the most comprehensive care for you. As researchers and knowledgeable practitioners, our gynecological oncologists can offer you the most advanced and innovative treatment options for cancers occurring in the female reproductive organs.

Gynecologic Oncology: Our expertise

Our gynecologic oncologists have expertise in treating endometrial, ovarian, cervical, uterine, vulvar and vaginal caners.

Women often experience symptoms of abdominal pain or bloating, or abnormal vaginal bleeding that prompt them to seek medical attention. A suspicious finding may be noted in an examination or imaging study, such as a pelvic sonogram or computerized tomogram (CT), or a routine Pap smear may be abnormal. If an abnormality is noted, a tissue sample or biopsy must be obtained to determine if cancer is present.

The initial examination is most often done by an obstetrics and gynecology specialist. If more advanced cancer is diagnosed, the patient will usually be referred to a gynecologic oncologist for further evaluation, treatment and follow-up care.

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Our gynecologic oncologists

Commission on Cancer Accredited Program - A Quality Program of the American College of Surgeons

The UF Health Jacksonville cancer program is accredited by the Commission on Cancer, a quality program of the American College of Surgeons.

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