Parent-Child Interaction Therapy
Parent-Child Interaction Therapy, or PCIT, is a research-based therapy used to help manage disruptive behavior in children ages 30 months to 7 years.
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Parent-Child Interaction Therapy, or PCIT, is a research-based therapy used to help manage disruptive behavior in children ages 30 months to 7 years.
Transcranial magnetic stimulation helps relieve major depression in a UF Health Jacksonville patient.
During Hispanic Heritage Month, the histories, cultures and contributions of American citizens whose ancestors came from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean and…
October 3, 2022
During her first year of psychiatry residency in Jacksonville, Kamyl Harvey Bogan, MD, was accepted to the American Psychiatric Association Foundation’s…
Department of Psychiatry, +4 more
April 11, 2022
UF Health Jacksonville psychiatrists made a weekend-long trip to a Polish city near the Ukrainian border to hand-deliver four large suitcases full of medical…
April 8, 2022
New psychiatric therapy helps patients with major depressive disorder.
Department of Psychiatry, +4 more
November 22, 2021
UF Health Jacksonville, the Gary Sinise Foundation and philanthropic partners came together today to cut the ribbon on a new facility that brings comprehensive…
November brings with it an influx of cooler weather, winter holidays and moustaches. While some men claim they are just warming up for the winter, many are…