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Shortness of breath

Shortness of breath is the most common condition seen and treated by UF Health pulmonologists. Our highly trained physicians are experienced at determining the cause and creating an appropriate therapy based on the underlying condition, so you can regain your quality of life.

Shortness of breath can be caused by heart disease, lung disease, deconditioning or any combination of these things. Diagnosing the correct underlying condition can be as simple as pulmonary function tests — breathing into a machine — to identify chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or asthma.

Diagnosis may also involve more complicated heart and lung tests. These tests can include high-resolution CT scanning, echocardiography, stress tests, and a vast array of other tests depending on the underlying cause. Treatment options for shortness of breath depend on the cause.

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Clinical Trials: Shortness of breath

UF Health research scientists make medicine better every day. They discover new ways to help people by running clinical trials. When you join a clinical trial, you can get advanced medical care. Sometimes years before it's available everywhere. You can also help make medicine better for everyone else. If you'd like to learn more about clinical trials, visit our clinical trials page. Or click one of the links below:

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News and Patient Stories: Shortness of breath

Never losing heart

A patient with peripheral artery disease seeks care for a decade before finding a solution at UF Health.

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