Ambulatory Practice
Ambulatory care is a major commitment of UF Health Jacksonville and its Department of Pharmacy. Our ambulatory care clinics are designated as NCQA Patient-Centered Medical Homes with active pharmacist participation. The hospital and ambulatory clinics are fully computerized with state-of-the-art Electronic Health Record (EHR) systems and automated dispensing cabinets. Our specialty pharmacy services are URAC and ACHC accredited. Ambulatory practitioners collaborate with the medical staff to provide patient care in the following areas:
- Cardiology
- CB McIntosh Primary Care (Anticoagulation, Diabetes, Transitions of Care, Pain Management, Pharmacotherapy/MTM, Smoking Cessation)
- Community Health/Family Medicine (Anticoagulation, Diabetes, Pain Management, Hypertension, Transitions of Care, Adherence, MTM)
- Hepatology
- Internal Medicine (Anticoagulation, Hypertension, Pain Management, Diabetes, MTM, Sickle Cell, Smoking Cessation)
- Multispecialty IM (Nephrology, GI, Rheumatology)
- Neurology
- Pulmonology
- Total Care Clinic (Anticoagulation, Hyperlipidemia, MTM)
Educational activities consist of teaching Doctor of Pharmacy IPPE students, APPE students and residents, including residents in the ASHP-accredited PGY-2 residencies in Ambulatory Care and Pain Management.